food delivery app

The online food delivery industry has experienced significant growth in recent years due to the changing preferences of customers who now favor delivery over dining out.

This trend has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Statista, the global online food delivery market was valued at 107.44 billion USD in 2019 and is projected to reach 154.34 billion USD by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 11.51%.

This exponential growth has attracted numerous entrepreneurs and startups looking to enter the online food delivery industry and create their food delivery apps.

However, despite the potential for success, this industry comes with its own unique set of challenges in food delivery service.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 challenges currently faced by the food delivery business.

Top Food Delivery Business Challenges

#Problem 1. Volatile Pricing Model

To gain traction and appeal to customers, new startups in the food delivery business often operate with low margins.

They use aggressive and defensive pricing tactics, such as offering discounts, promotions, or matching competitors’ prices, to stay competitive. However, this approach comes with its own set of challenges.

Low-margin operations can put significant pressure on profit margins, making businesses more vulnerable to fluctuating food costs, which can result from factors like seasonal availability, supply chain disruptions, or changing consumer preferences.

In such a scenario, maintaining profitability becomes an uphill battle, forcing businesses to constantly adapt their pricing strategies while balancing their bottom line.


To overcome the pricing challenge, food delivery businesses must carefully evaluate the pricing policies of established market players, particularly those with a proven track record of profitability.

By doing so, they can gain insights into pricing strategies that have been effective in attracting and retaining customers while maintaining profitability.

Additionally, businesses should explore technology solutions that can help streamline pricing and maximize profits. Advanced algorithms and data analytics tools can help businesses optimize pricing decisions, taking into account factors such as demand, supply, and competition.

This approach can enable businesses to balance their profit margins while ensuring customer satisfaction, providing a win-win situation for both the business and its customers.

#Problem 2.  Difficult to Engage and Retain Customers

engage customers

With the proliferation of food delivery platforms in the online food delivery apps and industry, customers are spoiled for choice, and businesses are competing for their attention.

It is challenging for businesses to attract new customers and keep them loyal in such a competitive environment. Offering better deals, incentives, and perks is one-way businesses can earn customer loyalty. However, these tactics may only be effective in the short term.


Customers expect convenience and simplicity when using food delivery services. They want an easy-to-navigate platform, timely delivery, and high-quality service. In such a scenario, businesses must focus on developing a smart, user-friendly application that meets the needs and expectations of their customers.

One approach is to provide ongoing discounts and promotions to new and returning customers, which can incentivize them to continue using the platform.

A referral program is another way to encourage existing customers to invite their friends and family to use the service, thereby expanding the customer base. Incorporating features like food tracking, advanced search, and gamification can also enhance the user experience and increase customer engagement with the platform.

#Problem 3. Unpredictable Food Quality

Unpredictable food quality

Maintaining consistent food quality and freshness during delivery is a significant challenge for many restaurant partners. The food delivery process can be subject to various external factors such as road conditions, weather, and transportation, which can negatively impact the quality of the food.


To address this challenge, businesses must ensure that their restaurant partners have adequate packaging and safety guidelines in place before enlisting them on their food delivery platform.

Restaurants should use high-quality packaging products, such as insulated food bags, to keep the food fresh during transit. This helps to maintain the integrity of the meal and ensures that the customer receives a high-quality product.

Another strategy is to work closely with restaurant partners to establish clear quality control processes. This can include regular training sessions for restaurant staff to ensure they follow best practices and standards for food preparation and delivery. 

By prioritizing consistent quality control, businesses can build a reputation for delivering fresh, high-quality meals that meet customer expectations. This, in turn, can help to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

#Problem 4. Managing Logistics

Managing logistics

One of the significant challenges faced by food delivery startups is managing high order volumes while ensuring timely deliveries. This challenge is particularly pronounced during the early stages when restaurants may lack the capacity to handle large logistics orders without affecting their walk-in orders.

In addition to logistics management, there are several other challenges associated with delivering orders on time, such as prioritizing order requests, allocating the right number of vehicles, and selecting specific areas for food delivery. These challenges can lead to delays, which can negatively impact customer satisfaction.


To tackle this challenge, food delivery startups can implement advanced technology solutions such as order schedules, delivery routers, location tracking, and geofencing. These tools can help optimize delivery routes, streamline the delivery process, and ensure timely deliveries.

Startups can also train their delivery personnel to ensure that they are equipped to handle the complexities of food delivery and equipped with the necessary tools to track and monitor delivery progress in real time.

#Problem 5. Partnering with Online Food Delivery Market Experts

market experts

Entrepreneurs creating a food delivery platform must invest significant effort in identifying and partnering with the right restaurant partners.

Collaborating with top-quality partners and listing them on the platform contributes to a positive brand image. However, sifting through numerous food outlets to find the best ones can be challenging. Additionally, streamlining the onboarding process for each restaurant partner can be time-consuming. 


To tackle this challenge, entrepreneurs can create a detailed onboarding process that streamlines the process of partnering with new restaurants.

Additionally, working with an onboarding expert who can provide actionable strategies and strong support to partner restaurants can help make the process easier and more efficient.

By providing comprehensive training and support to restaurant partners, businesses can ensure that their platform is populated with top-quality restaurants, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and retention.

#Problem 6. Fear of Big Competitors

Established players with large customer bases have made it challenging for new startups to secure a significant market share and win customer loyalty.

However, by prioritizing superior customer service and maintaining a high level of responsiveness, startups can compete with established players and carve out a niche for themselves in the market.


To beat the competition and win customer loyalty, startups must focus on creating an online platform that provides convenience, simplicity, and timely food deliveries.

The online ordering and delivery process should be straightforward and user-friendly, allowing customers to easily search for and order their desired meals.

By focusing on customer service and convenience, startups can create a loyal customer base and gain a significant market share.

#Problem 7. Meeting Customer Expectations for Food Delivery

customer expectations

In the modern world, customers have become increasingly aware and discerning when it comes to online services, particularly food delivery. As the food delivery industry becomes increasingly competitive, customers have come to expect high-quality food and service from providers.

Customers are looking for convenience, simplicity, and speed in the food delivery process. They want the process of ordering and receiving food to be straightforward and hassle-free. Additionally, customers expect their food to be delivered promptly and with high-quality standards.


As an entrepreneur in the food delivery industry, it is crucial to provide a strong food delivery system that meets the needs and expectations of customers.

This can include offering a wide variety of high-quality food options, providing a user-friendly and intuitive ordering process, and implementing efficient delivery strategies to ensure timely and fresh food deliveries.

Startups must focus on delivering a high level of customer service and convenience to meet the expectations of modern customers in the food delivery industry.

#Problem 8. Choosing the Right Advertising Methods

While an online food delivery platform may have impressive features, reaching the target audience with the right service at the right time can be difficult without appropriate promotion. This is particularly true in the ever-changing environment of consumer preferences and buying behaviors.

One significant challenge for startups in this industry is identifying the most effective advertising method to target the right audience with the right message.

In today’s world, where consumers are bombarded with endless advertising messages across various channels, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and make an impact.


To address this challenge, startups can develop a comprehensive advertising plan that defines marketing strategies, appropriate social media platforms, and the target audience.

Partnering with food bloggers and influencers to solidify their brand presence can also be an effective strategy. By adopting these approaches, food delivery startups can gain better traction and increase their customer base.

#Problem 9. Fluctuating Market Prices

Fluctuating market prices

The pricing strategy of a food delivery company plays a crucial role in determining its profitability and success in the market.

However, the food industry’s dynamic nature poses a significant challenge for companies to set the right pricing strategy. Fluctuations in the market prices of raw materials, varying demand, and supply trends, among other variables, can affect the company’s profit margins.


To tackle this challenge, food delivery companies must stay informed about market trends and customer behavior. Conducting regular market research can help them understand customer price sensitivity, competitor pricing strategies, and emerging industry trends.

Additionally, companies can consider implementing aggressive and defensive pricing models to remain competitive in the market.

Moreover, it is essential to focus on cost optimization, as cost-effective operations can help mitigate the impact of fluctuating market prices. This may include streamlining the supply chain, reducing food waste, and negotiating better deals with vendors.

By adopting these strategies, food delivery companies can develop a profitable pricing strategy that aligns with market conditions and customer preferences.

#Problem 10. Tracking Food Delivery Agents and Orders

Tracking delivery agents and orders

Food delivery app companies face the challenge of managing and monitoring delivery agents efficiently to ensure on-time deliveries and maintain customer satisfaction.

Efficient tracking of delivery agents and orders in real-time is essential for creating a seamless and efficient delivery process.

Customers want to be able to track the status of their orders and receive real-time updates on their delivery status, which can only be made possible through efficient tracking. Companies also require tracking to monitor the progress of delivery agents and optimize routes for better efficiency.


To address this issue, food delivery app companies can integrate advanced technology solutions like GPS tracking and real-time order status updates into their platforms.

These solutions enable companies to monitor delivery agents’ locations and progress, enabling better route optimization and improving delivery efficiency.

Additionally, real-time order status updates and push notifications can be sent to customers to keep them informed about their orders, enhancing customer experience and satisfaction. Implementing such features can help food delivery app companies streamline their operations and create a seamless delivery process.


The online food delivery industry’s future appears promising and filled with opportunities. However, food delivery startups must tackle the challenges mentioned above to succeed and grow in this competitive market.

By considering these factors, you can create an intelligent food delivery solution that caters to your customer’s needs more effectively. 

To take the first step in creating a successful food delivery app, get in touch with Scum Digital. Our team can provide a comprehensive solution tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

 Contact us today to discuss your project and learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

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