
The complex software migration requires a clear roadmap for the implementation. Otherwise, it will take months, if not years, and cost you millions of dollars to complete.

But, with proper steps and the right strategy, you can easily complete the Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration. However, as the work resources and environment are unique for every company, you must maintain a tailored approach to ensure a successful migration.

This post will explore why businesses are more inclined to perform this migration. The post will share the complex Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration steps. So, keep reading the detailed migration guide to complete it on time.

Reasons For Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration

With time and effort involved with the migration, Salesforce Classic users wonder whether they should invest their money. Also, the Salesforce Classic will be in the market for a long period. So, why fix it if it is not broken? Twofold is the answer. 

Firstly, if you do not convert Classic into Lightning in Salesforce, you must pay for new services and updates. On the other hand, Lightning users will get free access to all the new releases.

The new platform of Lightning will allow non-technical users to develop customized apps without programming knowledge. Some other significant advantages of Salesforce Lightning include the following:

1. The Salesforce Lightning offers an improved user experience and advanced features like drag-and-drop functionality. Users can utilize it without the code. 

2. It also provides users with a sleek, powerful, and intuitive UI. It further offers a quick transition between mobile devices and desktops.

3. In terms of visibility and actionable insights, Salesforce Lightning offers Einstein Analytics reporting, unlike Salesforce Classic. 

Top Challenges of Migrating To Salesforce Lightning


Even after Salesforce Lightning brings several benefits to the business, it comes up with challenges. For several organizations, migrating to Lightning can be a hectic task. They face several Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration challenges. Some of them are-

  • Wrong timing
  • Lack of strategy
  • Decline in the performance of health
  • Overloading of functionalities
  • Lack of the team readiness
  • Delay in the implementation process

However, following a test-focused and robust migration strategy will make the migration process seamless and smooth. Also, go through the Classic to Lightning migration checklist before starting the migrating process.

Steps To Follow To Migrate Salesforce Classic to Lightning

salesforce migration steps

The transition from the Salesforce Classic to Lightning is pretty straightforward if you know the right process. So, if you are here to know how to migrate Salesforce Classic to Lightning, you have landed on the right page. Here, we will walk through the migration steps to help you understand the best way to approach it.

Step 1: Classic To Lightning Migration Buy-In

Firstly, you need to get the buy-in, just not only from the management but also from the everyday users. It would help if you concentrated on convincing each party simultaneously.

It is crucial to tailor the benefit analysis for the audience and customize them for different purposes. You can also highlight the ROI for the management, display improved productivity for the users. 

Step 2: Checking of the Lightning Readiness

The Lightning readiness check report will help to evaluate the org for determining the impact of the migration on your team. It will also estimate the effort you need to put in for switching over. 

Additionally, it will highlight the potential code problems and identify the current features that will not be available. Also, you have to do a gap analysis to determine clear alternatives for features that don’t support Lightning. 

Step 3: The Optimizer Report

After you know the potential risks and how the migration will affect the organization, start determining allocation. You can use the Salesforce optimizer to identify all areas that you can facilitate, improve, and eliminate. 

An individual must do it based on their usage before migration. Also, you can remove the non-active workflow and unused custom profiles. 

Step 4: Assistant of the Migration

The migration assistant of Lightning will help the organization with a testing to feel the Lightning experience.

The assistant will assist you through getting the Lightning started for the company. Also, it will offer a brief overview of how the company will work in Lightning.

You must take complete advantage of the test run to try out all the features and apps. You can also experiment with the customizations not evaluated by the Readiness check.

However, it will help the individual to find features your team needs help with while integrating. 

Step 5: Establish the ROI Goals

The primary intention of implementing new software is to get an improved ROI. The same goes for the migration of the Salesforce Lightning.

So, you must begin by measuring recent business procedures  in all departments. Then, you must conduct employee and customer surveys around the regular complaints. 

This step is crucial to understand whether an individual can resolve the issues through the transition from Classic to Lightning. It is essential to set the measurements and KPIs beforehand to show the success after the transition. 

Step 6: Rollout

You can move your simple and small organization to the new UI like a full unit. Though, if your company is large and complicated, you must consider the gradual rollout. However, check the Readiness report to find the groups that are easy to move. 

The segmenting will assist you in planning a sooner move and support a smaller list of the technical requirements. Additionally, it will help you keep your learning process active to work out problems. 

Step 7: Management Strategy

The Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration always encounters panic and user resistance at some point after migration.

So, you have to specify the areas of the work, affected user profiles, and timelines. You must do it to prepare the groups for the transition in advance. However, make sure to test all the new features in this step.

Step 8: The User Adoption

The adoption team must lead the integration of Salesforce Lightning to run testing for every group. The team will help to collect metrics and data so that an individual can use it as solid proof.

Additionally, the experts will pinpoint the areas that require additional training. The adoption process will ensure that there will be no sudden surprise when transitioning the users into a new interface.


While hiring Salesforce developers can be a challenge during a migration to Lightning Experience, the benefits for your organization are significant.

With careful planning and execution, you can reap these rewards and streamline your operations. Follow the Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration steps outlined above to enhance customer experience and boost productivity.

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